المرأة شريحة مغيبة من الجمهور – الفرص الضائعة

Making a deliberate effort to create more inclusive and diverse products makes business sense. After all, women make up 50% of the world’s population. If a certain societal group cannot relate to the content you produce, be it because they feel underrepresented or because the topics you cover don’t resonate with them, chances are they will not choose to consume it. That reality means that many news organisations are ramping up efforts to tap into women audiences and engage them more effectively. The BBC’s R&D team conducted research among women in the UK aged 28 to 45 and found that they have a strong appetite for stories that have direct relevance to their lives, and value practical information. The research also suggested that local news becomes increasingly important when women have children. At the South China Morning Post, audience research revealed that topics such as diplomacy, regional news and society, which covers a broad range of social affairs, including education, issues of equality, and cultural trends, were of particular interest to women audiences. (See Champions tapping into women audiences).

وبعد جهود مبادرة 50:50 لتحسين تمثيل النساء بالإعلام فى البى بى سى أجرت الشبكة بحثاً للجمهور على المستوى الوطنى عام 2019 وجاءت النتائج لتشير إلى أن واحد من كل ثلاثة أشخاص لاحظ وجود المزيد من النساء في البرامج المقدمة مقارنة بالعام الماضي، وأوضحت 1/5 النساء أن التمثيل العالي أدى إلى تحسين استمتاعهن بالمحتوى، كما أن خمس الأشخاص في الفئة العمرية من 16 إلى 34 عامًا أفادوا بأنهم استمتعوا بمحتوى البرامج بشكل أفضل بعد تحقيق توازن أكبر بين الجنسين. ).

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